Bel⋅la [bel-uh] Es⋅sence [es-uh
ns] :
Beautiful Significance
I would suppose I should begin with a quick hello and intro (that seems appropriate, right?). My name is Carrie Elizabeth and I am a Junior, Marketing Major attending Howard University in Washington, DC. I am twenty years old and I have alot of thoughts and ideas to share with the world, hence, why I made a blog. I have many sides to it a bit "jazzy" one moment or pensive the next. Check me out. I think I'm kinda cool...ok, well, only sometimes.
Alright, now that that is out of the way...
First topic: "I Don't Have Time For Games"
I guess I'll shoot for what I'm feeling at the moment. I am so perplexed by the lack of honesty that I have been receiving from members of the opposite sex. At first, I figured it was "just me" or I was "paranoid"... but seriously? If I attempt to talk to one more person and they lie to me within the first few days of discussion I may just give up hope. I have come to finding myself doubting everything any male says to me. Be it where something is in the grocery store or where my "potential boo" (...ah, the "P.B." -- another topic) is really going and who he is really with. I always feel like I have to look over my shoulder, find out for my self, be quick, and most importantly guarded. I believe that the divorce between my parents contributed to this greatly... considering my Mother is low-key a man hater thanks to my Father (who even still I love and adore) and the many men who have also inspired this topic... but I do not want to hate men. I want to find someone that I can trust.
I may be the only one who feels this way, but I appreciate honesty. Yes, you may make mistakes, but I'm not going to hate you once make them (well, everyones situation is different; never say never) ...I would just rather you TELL ME THE TRUTH than to lie to my face and I find out later. Lies hurt more than honesty. When did it become alright to lie to people consistently? Really, who are you trying to help by lying? Seriously, if you want to cancel an outing we planned, cancel it... don't tell me that 'you're going to be late so I'll call you later' and NEVER DO. Don't tell me that you're 'just really busy' but in reality you're reading my texts with no intent on replying. If you're my "P.B.", why are you lying and telling me that 'you're going out with the boys' but 10 minutes later I find out you and lil miss no name are going out for icecream? Did we even establish rules of a relationship for you to be lying to get around? I don't understand that...but anyways...
I could go on forever with examples that not only myself, but friends as well have had to put up with. [Not everything above has happened to me... sorry for the disclaimer, you never know a P.B. could read this and think I was talking about him...but I'm not!]
Simply, if "you don't want to talk to me like that", figure out a way to tell me respectfully (a factor that has become extremely bleak realistically). Yea, I may be a little upset, but I am a big girl, I will survive. Tell me the truth so that I won't be wasting my time when I could be finding someone who will treat me how I deserve.
And before the males jump down my neck on things...don't get me wrong, females lie too... we are not by any means innocent, but that's once again, another topic.
So I guess what I'm getting at is....if males are thought to be liars, and ok, so are women, aren't we unknowingly allowing ourselves to form relationships that are prematurely based on lies and dishonesty...?
i would rather be single than have a relationship where i have been lied to for months just to keep me "happy."
...just a thought.